This page (revision-5) was last changed on 2019-12-29 04:46 by Murray Altheim

This page was created on 2019-12-27 07:00 by Murray Altheim

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
5 2019-12-29 04:46 2 KB Murray Altheim to previous
4 2019-12-27 23:37 2 KB Murray Altheim to previous | to last
3 2019-12-27 07:08 2 KB Murray Altheim to previous | to last
2 2019-12-27 07:07 2 KB Murray Altheim to previous | to last
1 2019-12-27 07:00 2 KB Murray Altheim to last

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At line 12 changed one line
* create several __prototype robots__ of varying sizes and costs, in mind of applying for a grant to buy the parts to build maybe ten "kits" as a starter stock for the group (or maybe just have everyone design and build their own from these recipes, i.e., does the NZPRG need to own any robots?)
* create several __[prototype robots|RobotPrototypes]__ of varying sizes and costs, in mind of applying for a grant to buy the parts to build maybe ten "kits" as a starter stock for the group (or maybe just have everyone design and build their own from these recipes, i.e., does the NZPRG need to own any robots?)