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A Recipe Page is a page that describes how to perform a small task.

Each Recipe should include:

Also, each Recipe page should also be tagged as follows:

[{Tag Recipe}]
so that it can be catalogued. You can also include any tags that would help other people find the Recipe, such as "Hardware", "Software", etc. Tags are separated by spaces, e.g.,
[{Tag Recipe Hardware RaspberryPi}]

You can request a Recipe, a Task or Tutorial using a Request (or by sending an email to Murray if you don't have write access to the wiki)

Some Possible Recipes#

Do you know how to do any of these things? You could teach someone else!


It'd be foolish to think that this website could replace the many existing sites that provide good information for building robots, and acquiring the skills necessary to do so. Here's a few links to others:

List of Known Recipes#

Tags:  Recipe