This page (revision-10) was last changed on 2021-06-19 07:56 by Murray Altheim

This page was created on 2020-04-30 09:37 by Murray Altheim

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10 2021-06-19 07:56 5 KB Murray Altheim to previous
9 2020-05-25 07:26 5 KB Murray Altheim to previous | to last
8 2020-05-24 09:48 5 KB Murray Altheim to previous | to last
7 2020-04-30 11:06 5 KB Murray Altheim to previous | to last
6 2020-04-30 10:34 4 KB Murray Altheim to previous | to last
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3 2020-04-30 10:13 3 KB Murray Altheim to previous | to last
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1 2020-04-30 09:37 2 KB Murray Altheim to last

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This page describes experiments in communicating between a [Raspberry Pi] (as a master) and an [Arduino] (as a slave) over [I2C]. The Raspberry Pi is programmed in [Python], the Arduino using a sketch (the Arduino's own language).
This page describes experiments in communicating between a [Raspberry Pi] (as a master) and an [Arduino] (as a slave) over [I²C]. The Raspberry Pi is programmed in [Python], the Arduino using a sketch (the Arduino's own language).
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I based this experiment on an article found on ''The Robotics Back-End'' (see References below), but have modified it to use Python rather than C on the Raspberry Pi, since that's the main language I've been using to write the operating system of the [KR01] robot. Some of the ideas I found online tended to lock up the I2C bus or cause other kinds of problems. When I stumbled onto an example using the WiringPi library things seemed to even out.
I based this experiment on an article found on ''The Robotics Back-End'' (see References below), but have modified it to use Python rather than C on the Raspberry Pi, since that's the main language I've been using to write the operating system of the [KR01] robot. Some of the ideas I found online tended to lock up the I²C bus or cause other kinds of problems. When I stumbled onto an example using the WiringPi library things seemed to even out.
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[WiringPi-Python|] library.
[WiringPi-Python|] library. In particular, I tried using the {{wiringPiI2CRead()}} and {{wiringPiI2CWrite()}} methods. For documentation, see [The I²C Reference Library|].
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WiringPi (both C++ and Python versions) has an I2C class to provide communication over I2C. The basic API is as follows:
class I2C(object):
def setupInterface(self,*args):
return wiringPiI2CSetupInterface(*args)
def setup(self,*args):
return wiringPiI2CSetup(*args)
def read(self,*args):
return wiringPiI2CRead(*args)
def readReg8(self,*args):
return wiringPiI2CReadReg8(*args)
def readReg16(self,*args):
return wiringPiI2CReadReg16(*args)
def write(self,*args):
return wiringPiI2CWrite(*args)
def writeReg8(self,*args):
return wiringPiI2CWriteReg8(*args)
def writeReg16(self,*args):
return wiringPiI2CWriteReg16(*args)
It should be noted that the I²C read and write methods send a single integer. In order to communicate
strings or other data, you'll need to serialise the data and then deserialise it on the other end.
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In particular, we can expect to be using the {{wiringPiI2CRead()}} and {{wiringPiI2CWrite()}} methods.
For an example, see: [How do I serialize a Python dictionary into a string, and then back to a dictionary?|]
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For documentation, see [The I2C Reference Library|].
In the end I developed a solution called __[pimaster2ardslave|]__ that has been posted as a project on github, which includes a Raspberry Pi Python 3 script
and an Arduino sketch.
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I found to my consternation that the ''Arduino Nano BLE Sense'' that I bought for the purpose of being used as
the slave processor __can't be used as a slave__: the Wire library it uses hasn't implemented the I²C slave protocol, though this is not documented anywhere (I found this out on the Arduino forum). One of the benefits of the Nano BLE Sense was that it's a 3.3V device, whereas the regular Nano is 5V. I'm still searching for the right
[Arduino] board now... (😠) maybe I'll use a Teensy or an Adafruit board.
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* [Using I2C to connect two Arduino Nanos|], blog post by Sander van de Velde
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* [Raspberry Pi (master) Arduino (slave) I2C communication with WiringPi|], from ''[The Robotics Back-End|]'' ("Program Robots Like a Boss")
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! Arduino
* [Master Reader/Slave Sender|]
* [Master Writer/Slave Receiver|]