This page (revision-8) was last changed on 2021-04-10 22:40 by Murray Altheim

This page was created on 2021-03-17 07:58 by Murray Altheim

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
8 2021-04-10 22:40 4 KB Murray Altheim to previous
7 2021-04-01 09:36 4 KB Murray Altheim to previous | to last
6 2021-04-01 09:35 4 KB Murray Altheim to previous | to last
5 2021-03-17 20:45 3 KB Murray Altheim to previous | to last
4 2021-03-17 10:07 3 KB Murray Altheim to previous | to last
3 2021-03-17 08:41 3 KB Murray Altheim to previous | to last
2 2021-03-17 08:04 3 KB Murray Altheim to previous | to last
1 2021-03-17 07:58 2 KB Murray Altheim to last

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At line 58 removed 13 lines
This will unfortunately need to be repeated upon each reboot. If you're using csh or tcsh as your shell you can add these two lines to your .cshrc file:
eval `ssh-agent`
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
If you're using bash you'd use the bash equivalents, to .bashrc.
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519