%%alias aliased from [Zumo] %% [{Image src='attach/ArduinoY%C3%BAnInterfacing/Pololu-Zumo-0J6588.1200.jpg' link='attach/ArduinoY%C3%BAnInterfacing/Pololu-Zumo-0J6588.1200.jpg' width='300' caption='The Pololu Zumo for Arduino (click to view)' align='right' class='imgFloatRight'}] __Zumo__ is the tradename for the Pololu [mini-Sumo robot|RobotSumo]. A Mini-Sumo robot must be less than 10cm square and weigh less than 500 grams. Any height is permitted. Pololu provide two main types of Zumo: one functioning as a "shield" for an [Arduino] microcontroller board, the second, a newer version with an integrated Arduino-compatible controller, which also includes encoders and a few other nice features. As an alternative to the Arduino, there's both * a [Kiktronik Robotics Controller for the Pico|https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/kitronik-robotics-board-for-raspberry-pi-pico] which could be easily mounted on a Zumo chassis, or * a [PyBoard Zumo Adapter|https://shop.mchobby.be/en/micropython/2040-pyboard-to-zumo-robot-adapteur-3232100020405.html] that plugs a [MicroPython]-based [PyBoard] ([STM32]) as a controller, designed for the Zumo !! Encoder Wiring When wiring up a pair of Hall effect encoders to the Zumo Shield for Arduino you'll find that the [documentation 1|https://www.pololu.com/docs/0J63/3.4] for the quadrature encoders on the Zumo 32U4 states: * __Digital pin 7__, or PE6, reads the __right encoder XORed signal__ using external interrupt INT6. * __Digital pin 8__, or PB4, reads the __left encoder XORed signal__ using pin change interrupt PCINT4. * __Digital pin 23__ (analog pin 5), or PF0, reads the __right encoder channel B__. * Pin __PE2__ reads the __left encoder channel B__. On the ''Arduino Shield for Zumo'' there is no pin "PE2", so you'll just have to choose any available (unused) digital input pin for channel B of the left encoder. %%information By the way, I always call the left side of the robot the __port__ side, the right side as __starboard__, since this removes any ambiguity, like is it left or right when viewed from on board, or from above, etc. This is the same as on a ship. %% !! References * [Say Hello To My Little Friend – Zumo Part I|https://solderspot.wordpress.com/2014/02/03/say-hello-to-my-little-friend/], first in a series of blog posts describing a Zumo build (also had a post on his experience building a [PID controller|https://solderspot.wordpress.com/2014/01/29/pid-controllers-101/] * [Zumo Robot with Magnetic Encoders|https://mcuoneclipse.com/2016/03/25/zumo-robot-with-magnetic-encoders/], description of a custom board developed at Lucerne University using Hall Effect encoders on a Zumo chassis; see also: [Adding Quadrature Encoder to the Zumo Chassis|https://mcuoneclipse.com/2013/06/15/adding-quadrature-encoder-to-the-zumo-chassis/], the earlier optical encoder version * [SC 2015 Semilab: Robotics with LEGO NXT|https://sigmacamp.org/2015/semilabs/robotics], using a Zumo in competition !! Has Tag Of ''Zumo'' [{HasTagOf Zumo}] ---- [{Tag Zumo RobotSumo}]