
!! Welcome to the NZPRG Wiki!

This is the wiki of the ''New Zealand Personal Robotics Group'' (NZPRG).

* [About NZPRG|AboutNZPRG]
* [Site Organisation|SiteOrganisation]
** [Goals]
** [Hardware]
** [Software]
** [Reference Pages]
* [NZPRG Blog|https://robots.org.nz/]

We're just starting out and there's a lot to organise here, so please bear with the mess and/or empty pages/broken links.

! Wiki Documentation

* For testing things, try the [SandBox].
* For a guideline on good working habits with wiki, see [WikiEtiquette].
* For all of the Wiki markup features, see [TextFormattingRules].
* Entry point for JSPWiki's full [Documentation|JSPWiki:JSPWikiDocumentation] and [New Features|JSPWiki:NewIn].