%%welcome !! Welcome to the NZPRG Wiki! This is the wiki of the ''New Zealand Personal Robotics Group'' (NZPRG). * [About NZPRG|AboutNZPRG] * [Site Organisation|SiteOrganisation] ** [Goals] ** [Hardware] and [Tools] ** [Software] ** [Reference Pages] * [NZPRG Blog|https://robots.org.nz/] %% ! Starting Points * [Meta-Goals] * [KR01] Robot, a 4 wheel parallel drive robot * [KD01] Robot, a 2 wheel + caster differential drive robot * [KC01] Robot, small, hexagonal __Circuit Playground Express based robot * [KRZ01] Robot, small Raspberry Pi Zero W differential drive robot with moon buggy wheels We're just starting out and [there's a lot to organise here|OrganisationalToDo], so please bear with the mess and/or empty pages/broken links. And some favourite (i.e., commonly-used) pages: * [GPIO] * [Raspberry Pi Pico] * [How To Configure a Static Ip Address] * [How to Configure SSH Keys with GitHub|HowToUseSshKeysWithGitHub] * List of [Vendors] we can recommend either from direct or indirect (via friends) experience ! Wiki Documentation * For testing things, try the [SandBox]. * For a guideline on good working habits with wiki, see [WikiEtiquette]. * For all of the Wiki markup features, see [TextFormattingRules]. * Entry point for JSPWiki's full [Documentation|JSPWiki:JSPWikiDocumentation] and [New Features|JSPWiki:NewIn].