[{Image src='attach/microbit/waveshare-alphabot2.jpg' link='attach/microbit/waveshare-alphabot2.jpg' caption='The Waveshare AlphaBot2 (click to enlarge)' width='250' align='right' class='imgFloatRight'}]

The __Waveshare AlphaBot2 2WD Platform Kit for BBC micro:bit__ is designed to use with the BBC [micro:bit|microbit]. It features some common robot functions including line tracking, infrared obstacle avoiding, ultrasonic ranging, Bluetooth/2.4G remote control, 4 RGB LEDs underneath, etc. It uses a pair of [Pololu Micro Metal Gearmotors|https://www.pololu.com/category/60/micro-metal-gearmotors], a pair of nice stainless ball casters, and most of its parts can be replaced from various [robotics vendors|vendors].

The Alphabot2 is probably one of the more advanced, durable and better-designed of the micro:bit robots. It is also available for [Arduino] and [Raspberry Pi].

See also: 
* [AlphaBot2 product page|https://www.waveshare.com/product/micro-bit-catalog/robots/alphabot2-for-micro-bit.htm] from Waveshare
* [AlphaBot2 wiki page|https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/AlphaBot2]
* [Alphabot2 for micro:bit User Manual |https://www.waveshare.com/w/upload/b/b0/Alphabot2_for_microbit_User_Manual_EN.pdf] (PDF download)

!! Programming the Alphabot2

The Alphabot2 can be programmed in a variety of programming languages:

* [Microsoft MakeCode|https://makecode.microbit.org/] (graphical)
* [Scratch|https://scratch.mit.edu/microbit] (graphical)
* [Python] using the online [Python Editor for micro:bit|https://python.microbit.org/v/2.0]. See the [Python Guide|https://microbit.org/get-started/user-guide/python/] for more information.


Also see the [micro:bit|microbit] wiki page for more information.


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