

Below are some of the vendors of robotic hardware, software, and related materials. If they're listed on this page, I've done business with them and am satisfied and/or quite happy with their service.

Limor Fried, who founded and is the CEO of AdaFruit, has a list of vendors on her wiki. While we can't vouch for them, they're likely reliable suppliers of robot and hobbiest electonics.

There is also a github project from Carl Treudler, what he's calling a curated list of awesome open source electronic resources for robotics, which includes motor drivers, actuators, RC-servo, computer vision, battery management, FPGA based, bus systems and sensor categories. The page also lists some known robot projects, competitions and university projects, etc.

Robotics & Personal Electronics#

Larger, More Expensive Commercial Robot Vendors#

PC Board Fabricators#

Electronics & Motors#

Hardware, Plastics, Materials, Other#

Other Lists#

Tags:  Reference, Hardware