The __TagPlugin__ (or simply "__Tag__" in use) is a [NeWikiPlugin] that provides a simple syntax for ''tagging'' a wiki page.

  [{Tag TagName}]

To query the list of pages having a specific tag, use the HasTagOfPlugin (or simply "__HasTagOf__" in use).

The TagPlugin also declares the tag value(s) as metadata for the page using the {{DC.subject}} (keywords) property. You can obtain the value of this property via {{{[{$DC.subject}]}}}, as in

See also: [HasTagOfPlugin], [TagCloudPlugin], [TagManager], [CategoryPlugin]

! Parameters

The plugin has no required parameters. Tags are included as one or more whitespace-delimited WikiWords. 

If compiled with the compile-time flag {{REQUIRE_PAGE_FOR_TAG}} as true, will flag errors on undefined pages (i.e., all tags __must__ point to existing pages).


! Syntax/Test

For tests, see the [Burt Reynolds] page.

This is a page related to the TagManager.

[{Tag WikiPlugin WikiDocumentation}]