The __SR04__ robot was designed and built by David P. Anderson. 
It was David's fourth robot (hence the "04"), and was built somewhere around 1998.

From David's description:
__SR04__ is a small mobile robot suitable for exploring human habitats unattended. 
It is controlled by a Motorola HC6811 microprocessor running in an M.I.T. 6.270 CPU card, similar to the commercially available "Handy Board." Two 12-volt DC gear-head motors maneuver the robot in a dual-differential drive configuration, balanced by a non-driven tail wheel caster and powered by a 12 volt 2.2 amp-hour sealed lead acid battery. Sensory input is provided by (in order of priority): front bumper switches, IR collision avoidance, stereo sonar ranging, photo detectors, passive IR motion detection, and shaft-encoder odometry. 

!! Design

~[The following text and images are from David Anderson's web site, used with permission.]

[{Image src='attach/SR04/sr04-front-49-thumb.jpg' link='attach/SR04/sr04-front-49.jpg' caption='SR04 Front View (image used with permission)' align='right' class='imgFloatRight' }]

%%hx Chassis %%

The design which has emerged is a small dual-differential drive platform with the geometry of an 11" circle. The drive wheels and tail caster sit on the perimeter of this circle, and thus it can rotate in its own space. This greatly simplifies software for maneuvering and collision avoidance.

%%hx CPU %%

The robot controller is a Motorola HC6811 microprocessor running in an M.I.T. 6.270 board. This card was developed for the introductory robotics course taught at M.I.T. It provides the HC6811 processor with 32k of battery-backed RAM, 32 eight-bit A/D channels, hardware 40khz IR , 6 one-amp H-Bridge (L293) motor driver channels, an LCD readout, and some digital I/O ports for timer and output compare functions useful to robot builder-types.
%%hx Software %%

The SR04 software exists as a collection of sensor routines and associated behaviors that are run concurrently by a round robn, non-preemptive multi-tasking scheduler. The structure is loosely based on Rodney Brooks' [subsumption architecture] as describe in Flynn's "Mobile Robots" book and more extensively on Brooks' home page (and elsewhere, run a web search on "subsumption").

Each sensor routine runs in turn in a 20 Hz sensor loop, and each sets a flag and some variables based on its own particular sensor input and state. An arbitration routine then picks the flag with the highest priority and passes it's variables along to the motor control sub-system. In this manner, sensors with higher priorities "subsume" the behaviors of lower priority sensors. 

The priority scheme is based on the distance of the detecting event. Closer events have higher priority; more distant events have lower. The exact sequence is: 

* __0__  User  
* __1 __ Bumpers  
* __2__  Rotation and Scanning   
* __3__  IR Collision Avoidance 
* __4__  Sonar Ranging 
* __5__  Photo Approach/Avoid 
* __6__  Motion Detector 
* __7__  Dead-reckoning

Thus the Sonar ranging layer can subsume the Photo, Motion, and Dead-reckoning layers when it detects an obstacle or clear pathway. It is in turn subsumed by the IR collision avoidance, and the Rotation and Scanning behavior subsume both. The Bumper layer holds the ultimate control. All other tasks save the User (that's me) must give way if the robot has actually run into something, until the bumper behavior declares the robot to be free from obstructions. This formalization is an extremely useful way to organize multiple and potentially competing sensor inputs. 

!! Links

* [SR04 Mobile Robot|], project description by David P. Anderson ([PDF version|])
* [SR04 Mobile Robot|] from the ''Newsletter of the Seattle Robotics Society''
* ''[Subsumption for hte SR04 and JBot Robots|]'' \\
   David P. Anderson, 26 March 2007