%%alias [Sumo] aliases here. %% From the Wikipedia page on Robot Sumo: %%blockquote __Robot-sumo__, or pepe-sumo, is a sport in which two robots attempt to push each other out of a circle (in a similar fashion to the Japanese sport of [sumo|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumo] ). The robots used in this competition are called sumobots. [{Image src='attach/RobotSumo/RoboCore_Robot_Sumo.jpg' align='right' class='imgFloatRight' width='300' caption='Robot-sumo'}] The engineering challenges are for the robot to find its opponent (usually accomplished with infrared or ultra-sonic sensors) and to push it out of the flat arena. A robot should also avoid leaving the arena, usually by means of a sensor that detects the edge. The most common "weapon" used in a sumobot competition is an angled blade at the front of the robot, usually tilted at about a 45-degree angle towards the back of the robot. This blade has an adjustable height for different tactics. Robot-sumo is divided into classes, fought on progressively smaller arenas: * __Heavy-weight.__ Standard in the [National Robotics Challenge|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Robotics_Challenge] . Robots may weigh up to 125 pounds (56.8 kg) and fit in a 2-foot cube (61 cm). * __Light-weight.__ Also standard in the [National Robotics Challenge|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Robotics_Challenge] . Robots may weigh up to 50 pounds (22.7 kg) and fit in a 2-foot cube (61 cm). * __Standard class__ (sometimes named Mega-sumo) robots may mass up to 3 kg and fit inside a 20 cm by 20 cm box, any height. * __Mini-sumo.__ Up to 500 g mass, 10 cm by 10 cm, any height. * __Micro-sumo.__ Up to 100 g mass, must fit in a 5 cm cube. * __Nano-sumo.__ Must fit in a 2.5 cm cube. * __Pico-sumo.__ Must fit in 1.25 cm cube. * __Femto-sumo.__ Must fit inside a 1 cm cube. %% __The NZPRG will conform to the [Mini Sumo Rules|https://robothon.org/rules-sumo/].__ !! Sumo Ring Sizes Following are the metric ring sizes: %%(max-width:800px; font-size:smaller) ||Ring Name||Ring Diameter||Ring Height||Border Width||Start Line Width||Start Line Length||Start Line From Center||Exterior |__International__|154 cm|5 cm|5 cm|2 cm|20 cm|10 cm|100 cm |__Mini__|77 cm|2.5 cm|2.5 cm|1 cm|10 cm|5 cm|100 cm |__Micro__|38.5 cm|1.25 cm|1.25 cm|0.5 cm|5 cm|2.5 cm|100 cm %% !! References * __[Zumo Robot]__, a popular tracked mini-Sumo robot from Pololu * [Illustrated Guide to American Robot Sumo|https://www.robotroom.com/SumoRules.html] * __SumoBoy__, a Latvian mini-Sumo robot ("''Reflects the best of Latvian robotics team experience and know-how''") ** [Few examples of Mini Sumo robot competition strategies|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rthMiqFCiBA] (YouTube) ** purchase [SumoBoy|http://www.robot-nest.com/purchase/mini-sumo-robot-sumoboy-20], comes in black, blue and red, €219.00 (NZ$380) + shipping from Latvia ** the "decorative armor" is available separately * [Sumo Robots Push Opponents in Robot Sumo Contests|https://www.robotroom.com/Mini-Sumo-Robots.html] from Robot Room (including how to make your own Mini Sumo robot ring) !! Has Tag Of ''RobotSumo'' [{HasTagOf RobotSumo}] ---- [{Tag Zumo RobotSumo}]