Referring Pages Plugin

Finds and lists all pages that refer to the current page.

Parameters #

How many pages to list. Default is 10. Some pages might create very long lists, so it's a good idea to limit the list size.
extras='...and %d more.'
How to show entries after max. %d is replaced by the remaining number of pages.
Limits the length of the generated links to at most n characters. This should used to keep the LeftMenu or LeftMenuFooter at a manageable width. Default is to not limit the length at all.
This element goes before each generated link. The value is WikiText, and the default is empty.
Sets the separator to use between generated links. The value is WikiText, and the default is a nothing (Change to ", " for a horizontal, comma-separated list.)
Sets the separator to use after each generated links. The value is WikiText, and the default is a linebreak, which produces a vertical list.
What pages refer to the given page, not the page this plugin is part of
either comma-separated explicit page references, or a regular expression (e.g., using wildcards) as the page or pages to include in the list.
either comma-separated explicit page references, or a regular expression (e.g., using wildcards) as the page or pages to exclude from the list.


The default behavior is to produce a vertical list of links. Text appearing after the plugin will start on a new line.


For linebreak use

\\\\ (four slashes)
For new line use
The format of the list is
Before Item1 After Separator Before Item2 After Separator Before Item3 After

A comma separated list:

[{ReferringPagesPlugin separator=', ' }]
A bullet list
[{ReferringPagesPlugin before='*' after='\n' }]
Before each link put a start list, after each link end the line and start a new line. Remember, the * must be the first character on the line.
Elements in bold with each one on a new line
[{ReferringPagesPlugin before='__' after='__\\\\'}]
Show the first three and a nice message saying there are more.
[{ReferringPagesPlugin separator=', ' max=3 extras=' along with %d more that are not shown. '}]

See also LeftMenuFooter.

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