!! Connecting to Raspberry Pi

* [Connecting the Radio|https://rpi-rfm69.readthedocs.io/en/latest/hookup.html] from  [RPI RFM69|https://rpi-rfm69.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html] library

[{Image src='https://rpi-rfm69.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_images/wires.jpg' link='https://rpi-rfm69.readthedocs.io/en/latest/hookup.html' caption='Connecting the Radio (click to follow link)' width='700' align='right' class='imgFloatRight'}]


! Pin Guide Raspberry Pi to RFM69HCW (Adafruit and Spark Fun breakouts) 
||PI Name             | 3v3    | Ground | MOSI | MISO | SCLK  | ID_SC  | CE0 |  
||PI GPIO*            |   |   | 10   | 9    | 11    |   | 8   | 5
||PI Pin              | 17     | 25     | 19   | 21   | 23    | 28     | 24  | 29
||Adafruit            | Vin    | GND    | MOSI | MISO | CLK   | G0     | CS  | RST
||Breakout Garden SPI | 3V3    | GND    | MOSI | MISO | SCLK  | GPIO   | CS  |  

[*|https://rpi-rfm69.readthedocs.io/en/latest/hookup.html#f3] These numbers refer to the pin index when you could from top left to bottom right i.e. odd number on the left and evens on the right. These are not the GPIO numbers.  [pinout.xyz|https://pinout.xyz/]  is an amazingly helpful tool.

!! Connecting to Arduino

* [Adafruit RFM69HCW and RFM9X LoRa Packet Radio Breakouts|https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-rfm69hcw-and-rfm96-rfm95-rfm98-lora-packet-padio-breakouts]
** [Using the RFM69 Radio|https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-rfm69hcw-and-rfm96-rfm95-rfm98-lora-packet-padio-breakouts/using-the-rfm69-radio]

[{Tag RFM69 Telerobotics}]