%%alias Aliased from [OrganisationalToDo] %%

This is the __Task List__ for the New Zealand Personal Robotics Group (NZPRG). These are things that need doing, and we'll need volunteers. You can contact [Murray] if you think you can help, or have any ideas that might help. 

* __Apply for nonprofit status for NZPRG__: we need someone with the experience necessary to apply for non-profit status in New Zealand so the NZPRG can own things (rather than [Murray]), apply for grants, ask for discounts from vendors, and begin to figure out how to create a sustainable organisation
* come up with a reasonable way to handle __membership__ (both local and remote/international)
* we need someone to take responsibility for __scheduling meetings__ (where? when? how often?)
* we'll need a legal statement that clarifies the i__ntellectual property__ implications of peoples' contributions to the wiki and the organisation (perhaps similar to the Creative Commons licenses?)
* we'll need appropriate __media release form__ (for use of people's images in photos and/or videos) and a place to store copies of them
* approach local and international businesses who may wish to sponsor the NZPRG, including __possible discounts__ on hardware or software purchases
* create several __[prototype robots|RobotPrototypes]__ of varying sizes and costs, in mind of applying for a grant to buy the parts to build maybe ten "kits" as a starter stock for the group (or maybe just have everyone design and build their own from these recipes, i.e., does the NZPRG need to own any robots?)
* compile a list of __people-with-skills__ and __people-with-tools__
* compile a list of __people willing to loan out tools__ or otherwise allow people to use expensive tools or machinery (maybe at meetings?), or help others with various things like cutting plastics or metal as necessary to build robots
* compile a list of __theses__ and __robot proposals__
* accumulate a __stock of spare parts and tools__ (new)
* create a __scrap box__ of extra components, materials, spare electronics, etc. where people can both donate and take from (similar to one of my neighbours' give-and-take sidewalk library) 
* we need people to take on __[Tasks]__ as listed on the wiki
* we need __[Wiki Gardeners]__ as the wiki grows
* create (and maintain) __a YouTube channel__ for NZPRG
* link NZPRG into any existing social media channels as appropriate

...and anything else we can think of

! Pages tagged "OrganisationalTask"

If you volunteer for a task please create a wiki page to collect information about that task and [tag] it "OrganisationalTask".

[{HasTagOf OrganisationalTask}]


[{Tag Organisation}]