!! PMW3901

Normally the PMW3901 Optical Flow Sensor is used by flying drones to 
measure the distance moved over the ground. In the case of a 
Mecanum-wheeled robot, the PMW3901's camera would be mounted just over 
its 80mm minimum focal distance and its x,y output used for the robot's 
odometry, i.e., to measure how far the robot has traveled.

While the sensor itself provides numeric values, this video shows a test
 rig using a 5x5 RGB LED matrix that indicates which direction the 
sensor has moved by color: red for port movement, green for starboard, 
cyan for forward and yellow for aft.

There's a blog entry and YouTube video about the Pimoroni PMW3901 Optical Flow Sensor:
* [Odometry on a Mecanum Robot Using an Optical Flow Sensor|https://robots.org.nz/2020/06/29/odometry-pmw3901/] 29 June 2020 on Robots.org.nz
* [Testing a Ground-based PMW3901 Optical Flow Sensor|https://youtu.be/6aQG-J4NzSE] 29 June 2020, on YouTube

!! PAA5100JE

[{Image src='attach/OpticalFlowSensor/PAA5100JE-fab.jpg' link='attach/OpticalFlowSensor/PAA5100JE-fab.jpg' caption='Prototype fabrication of the PAA5100JE (click to enlarge)' width='400' align='right' class='imgFloatRight'}]

The   PAA5100JE-Q   is   PixArt   Imaging's   latest   optical navigation   chip   designed   to   enable   navigation   with working range of 15 mm to 35 mm over various surfaces. It is housed in a 28-pin land-grid-array (LGA) package that provides   X-Y   motion   information.   Aided   by   external illumination,  it  is  most  suitable  for  motion  and  surface detection in robot application. 

* [PAA5100JE-Q: Optical Tracking Chip|attach/OpticalFlowSensor/PAA5100JE-Q-GDS-R1.00_25072018.pdf]