!!! KR01 Robot

The __KR01__ Robot is a [small robot|RobotWeightClasses] inspired by David P. Anderson's [SR04] robot. I'll flesh out this page ASAP. 

The cost of this robot is likely to be higher than appropriate for the NZPRG, so [I'm|Murray] also designing several other lower-cost [robot prototypes].

!! Requirements

This is modeled upon David Anderson's [SR04] robot:

# to be able to navigate and survive in a normal (cluttered) household environment, without getting stuck
# to provide a robust and reliable platform for developing navigation and behavior software
# be entertaining, aesthetically-pleasing, and inspiring for the local human population 

Additionally, it is meant to explore [Murray's Thesis|MurraysThesis].

!! Specifications

[{Image src='attach/KR01/MiniTFT-1-thumb.jpg' link='attach/KR01/MiniTFT-1.jpg' caption='Mini TFT Display' align='right' class='imgFloatRight'}]

* OSEPP Tank Kit chassis with either silicon tank treads or four silicon tires
* four OSEPP 9.0 volt 185 RPM motors with 1:45 gear ratio

! Pages Tagged "KR01"

[{HasTagOf KR01}]

! Links

* [KR01 Wiring Notes|KR01WiringNotes]
* [The KR01 Robot Project|https://robots.org.nz/2019/12/08/kr01/] NZPRG blog entry 


[{Tag KR01 Robot Prototype}]