Aliased from [IMU].

An __Inertial Measurement Unit__ or __IMU__ sensor uses a combination of __accelerometers__, __gyroscopes__ and __magnetometers__ to report on the force, angular rate and orientation of a body in motion.

!! Magnetometer

* [WitMotion High-Precision RM3100 Military-grade Magnetometer|https://www.wit-motion.com/geomagnetic-sensor/witmotion-high-precision-rm3100-military.html] (Sensor Magnetic Field Module Digital Electronic Compass For MCU, about US$40)

!! Comparison of various IMUs:

Adafruit's "learn" pages include a [comparison|https://learn.adafruit.com/comparing-gyroscope-datasheets] of the following boards:

* [L3GD20|http://www.st.com/en/mems-and-sensors/l3gd20.html]  3 Axis MEMS Gyroscope - ST
* [FXAS21002C|http://www.nxp.com/products/sensors/gyroscopes/3-axis-digital-gyroscope:FXAS21002C]  3 Axis MEMS Gyroscope - NXP
* [LSM9DS0|http://www.st.com/en/mems-and-sensors/lsm9ds0.html]  9 Axis* MEMS Sensor (Accel + Mag + Gyro) - ST
* [LSM9DS1|http://www.st.com/en/mems-and-sensors/lsm9ds1.html]  9 Axis* MEMES Sensor (Acce + Mag + Gyro) - ST
* [MPU-9250|https://www.invensense.com/products/motion-tracking/9-axis/mpu-9250/]  9 Axis* MEMS Sensor (Accel + Mag + Gyro) - Invensense
* [BMI055|http://www.mouser.com/ds/2/783/BST-BMI055-DS000-08-786482.pdf]  6 Axis MEMS  Sensor (Accel + Gyro) - Bosch (Used in the [BNO055])

!! Pages Tagged as 'IMU'

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!! References

* [Comparing Gyroscope Datasheets|https://learn.adafruit.com/comparing-gyroscope-datasheets] from Adafruit
* [Inertial Measurement Unit|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inertial_measurement_unit] on Wikipedia
* [How to Fuse Motion Sensor Data into AHRS Orientation (Euler/Quaternions)|https://learn.adafruit.com/how-to-fuse-motion-sensor-data-into-ahrs-orientation-euler-quaternions] (Adafruit Learning)

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