%%alias Aliased from [ImagePlugin] %%

__Image__ is a wiki plugin that gives you finer control over the layout of images than just the simple in-lining of images.

!! Parameters

;__src__ = '' 'Image source' '': This can either be a full URL (http://...) or a [[WikiAttachment] name. Required.
;__align__ = '' 'left|right|center' '': The image alignment.
;__height__ = '' 'integer' '': Force the height of the image.
;__width__ = '' 'integer' '': Force the width of the image.
;__alt__ = '' 'alt text' '': The alt text of an image.  This is very useful when doing pages that can be navigated with text-only browsers.
;__caption__ = '' 'caption text' '': The text that should be shown as a caption under the image.
;__title__ = '' 'title' '': The title text will popup when you hover your mouse over the image.
;__link__ = '' 'hyperlink' '': A hyperlink (http://...).  In the future, you can also use [[WikiPages].
;__border__ = '' 'integer' '': Size of the image border.
;__style__ = '' 'style info' '': Any style markup you would like to apply to the table surrounding the image.
;__class__ = '' 'class name' '': Redefine the default class for this image, which is "imageplugin".

[{Image src='Image/test.png' caption='Testing Image' style='font-size: 120%; color: green;'}]

[{Image src='attach/Image/test.png' caption='Testing Image' style='font-size: 120%; color: green;'}]

Shows the attachment {{Image/test.png}} with the caption __Testing Image__ underneath it.  The text is 120% in height and will be rendered in green color.

[{Image src='http://opi.yahoo.com/online?u=YahooUser1234&m=g&t=2' 

Shows the Yahoo online / offline graphic and creates a link to Yahoo send message 

[{Image src='http://opi.yahoo.com/online?u=YahooUser1234&m=g&t=2' 

The Image plugin can do thumbnail links if you're willing to create the thumbnail images yourself, using the {{link}} attribute, e.g.,
[{Image src='images/ref/image_thumb.png' link='images/ref/image.png'}]
When you click on the image thumbnail the full size image will be displayed.

It's also good practice to include alternate text using the '{{alt}}' attribute (actually,
this is a validation requirement in XHTML).

!! CSS

;__{{.imageplugin}}__: The table that encompasses the image.  It consists of two subcategories:
;:__{{img}}__ = IMG tag that gets embedded.
;:__{{caption}}__ = caption that is embedded.


[{Tag WikiDocumentation}]