Adafruit 320 x 240 TFT Display
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This page contains some information about the Adafruit 320x240 2.8" TFT Display + Resistive Touchscreen.

There's also an Adafruit 2.0" 320x240 TFT with no touchscreen, which is what is currently used on the KR01 robot.

This has all 40 pins GPIO pins brought out so you can connect a 40-pin GPIO cable underneath.

It uses the hardware SPI pins (SCK, MOSI, MISO, CE0, CE1) as well as GPIO #25 and #24. All other GPIO are unused.

Since we had a tiny bit of space, there's 4 slim tactile switches wired to four GPIOs, that you can use if you want to make a basic user interface. For example, you can use one as a power on/off button.

Tags:  Hardware