SR 04
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The SR04 robot was designed and built by David P. Anderson. From David's description:

SR04 is a small mobile robot suitable for exploring human habitats unattended. It is controlled by a Motorola HC6811 microprocessor running in an M.I.T. 6.270 CPU card, similar to the commercially available "Handy Board." Two 12-volt DC gear-head motors maneuver the robot in a dual-differential drive configuration, balanced by a non-driven tail wheel caster and powered by a 12 volt 2.2 amp-hour sealed lead acid battery. Sensory input is provided by (in order of priority): front bumper switches, IR collision avoidance, stereo sonar ranging, photo detectors, passive IR motion detection, and shaft-encoder odometry.

It was David's fourth robot, hence the "04", a bit curious what the "SR" stands for (small robot?).