The __[ReindexPlugin]__ is a [NeWikiPlugin] that extends [RestrictedWikiPlugin]. This uses a [WikiFormsPlugin] plugin to manually force a reindexing of the wiki. If the value of the parameter is "*", the entire wiki is indexed; otherwise a single wiki page name is accepted.

!! Parameters

* __index__ = '''*''' | '''page-name''' : "*" to index the entire wiki, or a single page name


!!! Reindex Wiki

[{FormSet form='testForm'}]
Enter the name of the wiki page to reindex, or '*' to reindex all:
[{FormOpen form='testform'}]
[{FormInput type='text' name='index' value='*'}]
[{FormInput type='submit' name='action' value='Reindex'}]


[{FormOutput form='testForm' handler='Reindex' populate='handler'}]


[{Tag NeWikiPlugin RestrictedWikiPlugin}]