Aliased from [Raspberry Pi 4]
|[{Image src='attach/RaspberryPi/RaspberryPi3B%2B.jpg' width='250' caption='Raspberry Pi 4'}] | [{Image src='attach/RaspberryPi/RaspberryPi4.png' width='250' caption='Raspberry Pi 3 B+'}] | [{Image src='attach/RaspberryPi/RaspberryPiA%2B.jpg' width='250' caption='Raspberry Pi A+'}] | [{Image src='attach/RaspberryPi/RaspberryPiZeroW.jpg' width='250' caption='Raspberry Pi Zero W'}] | [{Image src='attach/RaspberryPiPico/pico-oblique-800x.jpg' link='https://service.robots.org.nz/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=RaspberryPiPico' caption='Raspberry Pi Pico' width='150'}]

From the [Raspberry Pi|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raspberry_Pi] page on Wikipedia:
The __Raspberry Pi__   is a series of small single-board computers developed in the United Kingdom by the  Raspberry Pi Foundation to promote teaching of basic computer science in schools and in developing countries. The original model became far more popular than anticipated, selling outside its target market for uses such as  robotics. It now is widely used even in research projects, such as for weather monitoring because of its low cost and portability. It does not include peripherals (such as keyboards and mice or cases.  However, some accessories have been included in several official and unofficial bundles.

The Raspberry Pi and Arduino both contain ''microprocessors'', the actual ''Central Processing Unit'' (CPU) integrated circuit chips that perform the execution of software code. The Raspberry Pi is a ''microcomputer'', whereas the [Arduino] is a ''microcontroller'' (%%(font-size:small) AKA%% ''Microcontroller Unit'' or MCU). The Raspberry Pi microcomputer has a full Linux-like operating system (OS); the Arduino generally runs a single program. 

The distinctions between microprocessors and microcontrollers can get a bit blurry, since in practice they can often perform similar tasks. But you can think of a Raspberry Pi as almost the same as a desktop computer, without the peripherals. Indeed, [some people|https://magpi.raspberrypi.org/issues/85] have outfitted their Pis with keyboards, mice, large screen monitors, and use them for everyday computing tasks.

The Raspberry Pi has several interfaces, the 40 pin [GPIO], the 2 pin [I2C] and the [SPI] serial interfaces.

Here's a [recipe] for __[how to blink an LED|HowToBlinkAnLED]__ on the [Raspberry Pi].

The [KR01] robot uses a Raspberry Pi 3 B+, the [KRZ01] robot uses a Raspberry Pi Zero W.

!! Pico

On the 21st of January, 2021, the Raspberry Pi Foundation released its own [microcontroller] board called the [Raspberry Pi Pico|RaspberryPiPico]. Despite any confusion created by its name it's a [microcontroller] rather than a [Single Board Computer] (SBC) like the Raspberry Pi, uses an [RP2040] CPU chipset (designed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation), and is significantly cheaper than any Pi at US$4.

!! Links

See: [Raspberry Pi OS|RaspberryPiOperatingSystem]

* [Raspberry Pi|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raspberry_Pi] on Wikipedia
* From __raspberrypi.org__:
** [Raspberry Pi home page|https://www.raspberrypi.org/] 
** [Frequently-Asked Questions|https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/faqs/] 
** [Documentation|https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/]
* [Raspberry PiĀ® User Guide|https://dn.odroid.com/IoT/other_doc.pdf], posted by Odroid
* [Raspberry Pi Education Manual|https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/Raspberry_Pi_Education_Manual.pdf] (PDF)
** [Five Ways To Run a Program On Your Raspberry Pi At Startup|https://www.dexterindustries.com/howto/run-a-program-on-your-raspberry-pi-at-startup/]\\ E.g.: ( [rc.local|https://www.dexterindustries.com/howto/run-a-program-on-your-raspberry-pi-at-startup/#local] | [.bashrc|https://www.dexterindustries.com/howto/run-a-program-on-your-raspberry-pi-at-startup/#bash] | [init.d tab|https://www.dexterindustries.com/howto/run-a-program-on-your-raspberry-pi-at-startup/#init] | [systemd|https://www.dexterindustries.com/howto/run-a-program-on-your-raspberry-pi-at-startup/#systemd] | [crontab|https://www.dexterindustries.com/howto/run-a-program-on-your-raspberry-pi-at-startup/#crontab] )
* [Make a Raspberry Pi 4 program start on boot|https://roboticsbackend.com/make-a-raspberry-pi-3-program-start-on-boot/], from ''[The Robotics Back-End|https://roboticsbackend.com/]''
* [How do I switch to a new desktop environment?|https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=207647] (how to switch from LXDE to MATE or any other available desktop)
* [Using the Raspberry Pi Timer for Embedded Environments|https://www.studica.com/blog/raspberry-pi-timer-embedded-environments], basically writing assembly code to use the Pi's hardware timer
* [New Pi Zero Gains Unapproved Antennas Yet Again|https://hackaday.com/2021/12/13/new-pi-zero-gains-unapproved-antennas-yet-again/] on Hackaday

!! Pages Tagged "Raspberry Pi"

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