!!! Organisational Goals

These are some of the NZPRG goals that will have to be worked out:

; How often to meet and where? : TODO
; Who's in charge? : TODO
; How to bootstrap/promote the organisation to best encourage participation and long term sustainability? E.g., what are the kinds of activities we can do considering not that many people are going to be bringing their own robots? : TODO
; How to best distribute tasks to other people to encourage involvement and avoid having one or two people taking on everything? : TODO
; Investigate several robot build packages (low-, mid-, high-priced) : TODO
; Investigate possibility of grants to purchase kits : TODO
; Investigate non-profit status (required to have the organisation own property, and receive grants). Who can help create the non-profit? : TODO
; How to have "remote branch offices" away from Pukerua Bay? : TODO


[{Tag Organisation}]